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The Gamers (Gamerne)

"The Gamers (Gamerne)" follows the everyday lives of Norway's greatest e-sports athletes. We get up close and personal with them as they experience crushing losses and wild victories, meet screaming fans, have their friendships and relationships put to the test and make the most important career choices of their lives.

In an industry where you're at the height of your career at 14 and a veteran at 25, many of Norway's new sports heroes are competing at the top of the world. E-sports is a multi-million dollar industry and the athletes are jet-setting rock stars, but it takes a lot to stay at the top among the world's best.

Premiere March 7 on NRK TV

Facts and figures

Channel NRK

Directed by Tobias Grønvold

Editor Karina Lystad

Producer Rannveig Huuse

Responsible producer Tom Marius Kittilsen

Tear in the heart

Rod Knock (Rådebank) s3