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Charlie Surfer

Charlie is 10 years old and has been diagnosed with Asperger's. He is proud of his diagnosis and feels it makes him unique.

But sometimes he wishes he was more like the other boys in his class. Charlie has a lot of thoughts about what it feels like to be different, and he often feels left out. Little sister Layla is Charlie's best friend and an important support for him. Charlie faces challenges in everyday life that many other children his age don't, and it's not always easy to fit in. Among other things, he finds it difficult to play and engage in sports with his peers. Charlie doesn't like playing football with the other boys in his class. They also never kick the ball to him, which makes it difficult to improve.

Luckily, he's found two things he loves to do, surfing and dancing. Charlie is going to surf camp and is looking forward to it. He loves being in the water and feels that surfing is something he has mastered. Surfing means a lot to Charlie and he feels free when he's in the water. Now he gets to do what he likes best again and continue to get better. Charlie has high expectations for this year's camp and great faith in his own development. We follow Charlie through the ups and downs of this year's surf camp. This is a children's story about being different and the importance of finding an arena for mastery.

Facts and figures

Premiere: 20.11.2020
Genre: Documentary / Norwegian
Director: Pia Strømme
Nationality: Norway
Production year: 2020

Rod Knock (Rådebank) s3

Our best men (Våre beste menn)