Tete Lidbom

Host / Presenter / Sport

Tete is primarily known as a radio presenter, and has contributed to programs such as Norske Tilstander (NRK P3), P3-aksjonen (NRK P3), the football podcast Heia Fotball (NRK P3), and in addition, he also has experience as a music producer for the music program Urørt (NRK P3). Tete also has extensive knowledge in the world of sports, and currently works for Sporten in NRK.

Tete comes across as a warm, genuine, committed and quick-witted person, who is always well prepared for an assignment. His positive energy is easily contagious, making him a source of inspiration for any audience. Tete is available for assignments both alone and with others.

Booking & management

Kamilla Moe
kamilla@fenomen.no / 959 31 106